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What is the Recovery Time For Breast Revision Surgery?

Posted in Breast Revision

Breast augmentation, or any implant-based breast enhancement surgery, can transform a woman’s figure and enhance her self-confidence. If you’ve undergone either procedure, it’s likely that additional breast surgery is the furthest thing from your mind. However, while implants are designed to be long-lasting, they will eventually need to be replaced through a secondary procedure called breast revision.

The goal of any breast surgery is to achieve dream results that complement your body and elevate your confidence. If you did not achieve the outcomes you envisioned or if your breast implants are in need of replacement, a breast revision at Bay Area Plastic Surgery with Dr. Leonard Gray can restore the beautiful, balanced aesthetics of your figure. Dr. Gray is experienced in performing all kinds of breast revision surgery and will take exceptional care to resolve any issues that have inspired you to consider a secondary procedure.

Continue reading to learn more about a Bay Area breast revision surgery and what to expect from your recovery.

What is Breast Revision Surgery?

Breast revision surgery is a procedure used to replace or remove a breast implant due to deflation, rippling, rupture, capsular contracture, or other complications. Alternatively, some patients choose to have a breast revision procedure even if there are no complications but rather to alter or improve upon their initial results. Some patients opt to swap their implants for a different size or type or to remove their implants altogether.

How Many Breast Revision Surgeries Are Performed Annually?

Breast revision surgery is not the most common breast enhancement procedure performed because, for the most part, women are extremely satisfied with their augmentation results. According to the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, roughly 90,000 breast revision procedures are performed every single year due to aesthetic changes or complications from the patient’s initial surgery.

What Are the Reasons a Patient Would Undergo Breast Revision Surgery?

Patients pursue breast revision surgery for a variety of medical and cosmetic reasons. It is natural for the breast to change in size, shape, and appearance over time, even with implants. Breast revision surgery can improve upon a previous procedure if you are unhappy with the initial outcome or if your preferences have changed over the years. In other cases, breast revision is necessary due to complications from the initial surgery. Some of the most common cosmetic or health-related reasons women pursue breast revision include:

  • Desire to make changes to the size, shape, or type of implants
  • Replace implants that have bottomed out
  • Correct rippling or folding
  • Correct implant migration
  • Improve asymmetry
  • Replace a leaking, ruptured, or deflated implant
  • Remove implants that are no longer desired

What are the Types of Breast Revision Surgery?

Dr. Gray approaches breast revision surgery in two different ways: straightforward revisions and capsular contracture revisions.

Straightforward revisions are used if a patient doesn’t have any significant medical issues or capsular contractures. During a straightforward breast revision procedure, Dr. Gray will do his best to place your new incisions in the same spot as the original incisions created for your breast augmentation surgery to help prevent future scarring. Through this incision, he will adjust the breast pocket by inserting permanent stitches that create the best possible shape for the breast pockets. Dr. Gray will also address the capsule around the existing tissue before measuring the packet from the inside. These measurements allow for the most accurate and precise implant width, which in turn will provide you with the best look.

Capsular contracture is a painful complication that occurs when the natural scar tissue thickens, hardens, and constricts around the implant. Unlike straightforward revisions, Dr. Gray will first remove the capsule tissue completely. He will then place Strattice™ in the lower portion of the breast implant pocket. He will then replace the implant.

What is the Recovery Like After Breast Revision?

Recovery from your breast revision surgery may be shorter and less uncomfortable than your initial breast augmentation surgery, depending on the specifics of your surgery. You can expect to look and feel swollen and sore for the first one to two weeks. Your incision will be dressed, and you may be fitted with a support garment. If necessary, Dr. Gray may insert a tube under the skin to temporarily relieve excess fluid. Before being released from the hospital, you will be briefed on all post-surgery instructions.

Most patients can return to their normal activities and routines after a week or two of recovery. During these first few weeks, bruising, swelling, numbness and tingling will continue to decrease. If you had new implants placed, they will continue to settle into their final position. Your scars will continue to heal and soften over the next 6 to 12 months following your surgery. Remember not to rush your recovery process, give your body plenty of time to heal, and be patient to achieve the best possible outcome.

How Long Does Breast Revision Recovery Take?

The length of your recovery time after breast revision surgery will depend on whether you simply had a breast implant removal or underwent a breast implant exchange. Most patients go through an initial recovery period of one to two weeks. Your overall health, how well you typically heal from surgery, what type of implants you replaced your old implants with, and if any additional surgical steps were needed for your procedure will also impact your recovery.

Typically, the first week after your breast revision, you’ll be resting. The second week you’ll likely feel more strength and start moving around. The third and fourth weeks are usually when women return to work and normal daily activities. By weeks six to eight, patients are fully healed and able to engage in all of their normal activities with permission and guidance from Dr. Gray.

Why is it Important to Partner with an Experienced Surgeon for Breast Revision?

It is especially important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for your breast revision surgery as any type of breast revision is going to be more complex and delicate than the original procedure due to scar tissue. Dr. Leonard Gray has extensive experience performing breast revision procedures for his Bay Area patients. Whether he performed your initial breast augmentation or not, Dr. Gray and his team would be happy to schedule a consultation with you to hear about your concerns and discuss your breast revision options. To get started, schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Gray by calling (628) 265-0220 or through our convenient online contact form.