Posted in Breast Augmentation
What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Revision

Even with a thorough breast augmentation consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon, many factors might cause your breast implants to deviate from your initial expectations or appearance goals. These factors could be directly linked to the breast augmentation procedure itself, the condition of the breast implant, or perhaps a change in the breast tissue following pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Fortunately, you can resolve any of these issues by partnering with a trained plastic surgeon to finally achieve your desired look. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Leonard Gray is an expert in breast augmentation and revision.
Why A Breast Augmentation Revision?
A breast revision is an excellent choice for clients who want to restore their original appearance, change the size of their implants, resolve any deformity issues, or replace breast implants. Dr. Gray utilizes various methods with the same objective in mind—to successfully provide the patient with their desired look in the safest way possible.
How The Breast Implant Revision Procedure is Performed.
If a patient is a good candidate with no significant medical issues or capsular contracture, the patient’s options are based on the information provided and the patient’s individual aesthetic goals. Once a patient has decided on a look, the next step is surgery. Dr. Gray will conduct the surgery through the same incision as the original breast augmentation surgery to avoid more unnecessary scarring. From there, he will meticulously adjust the breast pockets. Breast implants tend to drift down or out to the sides throughout the years and will need to be corrected by reshaping and inserting permanent stitches into the existing pockets. This will allow the pockets to form into the best shape possible.
Capsules may also need to be addressed and adjusted by either removal or manipulation to cover the new implants adequately.
After fixing the pockets and adjusting the capsules, new pockets will then be measured from the inside for the most precise implant width, which will, in turn, provide the patient with the best look. Once the implant size is determined and placed into the pocket, the breast examination will be reviewed while you sit in both a flat and upright position to ensure symmetry in all positions. Lastly, incisions will be closed, and you’ll be taken to a recovery room to determine that everything is to your satisfaction and that you’re able to return home to recover safely.
Removal Of Breast Implants
With time, things have a tendency to change, including our minds. Many patients decide to have their breast implants removed due to lifestyle changes, aesthetic reasons, or breast-related illnesses and concerns. If this is the case for you, breast implant removal is a great option. This surgery includes the complete removal of your implants with no other material placed back into the breast.
Dr. Leonard Gray – The Bay Area’s Best Cosmetic Breast Surgeon
For over 20 years, Dr. Gray has been serving the Bay Area and is an expert in all things breast surgery. He is committed to his patient’s individual goals and well-being. For more information on breast augmentation revision, contact his office today!