Posted in Eyelid Surgery
Is Eyelid Surgery Right For You?

One of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures for the upper third half of the face, eyelid surgery—medically known as blepharoplasty—involves removing drooping, loose skin from the upper lids and excess fat from the upper and lower eyelids.
Eyelid surgery may be right for you if you are looking for improvements such as:
- decreased bagginess or puffiness
- brightened tired eyes
- minimized dark circles
- lifted excess skin to improve vision.
In some cases, patients think their eyelids are drooping when in reality, their brows are sagging, which may make them a better fit for a brow lift. In other cases, they’re struggling with fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss that may make them better suited for a facelift or non-invasive treatments like Botox or dermal fillers.
Read on to learn if eyelid surgery is the most appropriate procedure for the aesthetic changes you’d like to make.
How Is an Eyelid Surgery Performed?
Bay Area-based plastic surgeon Dr. Leonard Gray can only perform blepharoplasty on the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. Each area requires a distinct approach, but the methods are very similar. He’ll remove any loose skin or tissue and extract or reposition fat deposits by using separate incision spots depending on the location of the eyelid. It’s essential to understand that eyelid surgery will not help with issues like crow’s feet, wrinkles, or dark circles. In this case, Dr. Gray can recommend assisting your eyelid surgery with Botox® treatments to meet your ideal eyelid aesthetic goals.
Eyelid Surgery for Improved Vision
A blepharoplasty procedure can not only improve cosmetic issues but can also help with function issues as well. Many patients are concerned with excess hanging skin on their upper eyelids, impairing their ability to see to the best of their ability. Eyelid surgery can offer immediate improvement of vision by removing the excess skin or fat deposits obscuring a patient’s vision. For many, simply being able to apply makeup without having eyeshadow or eyelashes disappear within excess skin is reward enough.
Are You in Good Physical Health?
Another thing to consider when wondering if eyelid surgery is the right cosmetic procedure for you is if you’re in good overall health. Dr. Gray does require that his patients be non-smoking, as smoking can impair the body’s ability to heal. Excessive smoking can also alter your eyelid surgery results at a much faster rate. You should also be in good physical health. During your consultation, it’s important that you share your entire medical history with Dr. Gray, including any skin issues, issues with high blood pressure or excessive bleeding, and share all medications that you are currently taking.
Ask Dr. Leonard Gray About If Eyelid Surgery Is Right for You
The best way to determine if eyelid surgery is right for you is to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Gray. You can discuss your ideal goals and work together to create a customized plan that will help you regain your eyes’ functionality and restore their youthful radiance.
To learn more, call (628) 265-0219 or contact us through our website today.