Posted in Tummy Tuck
What is a Tummy Tuck for Men?

A common misconception regarding cosmetic surgery is that it’s strictly for women. In reality, more and more men are pursuing plastic surgery each year to help sculpt, define, and enhance their physique. Among the most common procedures for men is the tummy tuck, which can truly transform a patient’s image. Distinguished Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Leonard W. Gray is proud to provide advanced abdominoplasty for men in San Francisco, CA, to help patients achieve their goal of having a firm, toned, masculine abdomen. Discover more about San Francisco male tummy tuck surgery here!
Perhaps the most common use of a tummy tuck surgery is to restore a woman’s pre-baby body or correct the abdomen after extreme weight loss, though those are not the only purposes. For both men and women, a tummy tuck can provide the exciting opportunity to remove and tighten loose skin after weight loss, firm up splayed abdominal muscles (a condition known as diastasis recti), and create a more sculpted-looking figure. The plastic surgeon can also recreate/reposition the belly button to make it look natural and appropriately positioned. There are special considerations when the tummy tuck procedure is performed on male patients.
What Sets a Tummy Tuck for Men Apart?
While the fundamental aspects of tummy tuck surgery are relatively similar for both women and men, the male tummy tuck takes special consideration the unique aspect of a man’s anatomy, needs, and goals. Whether you’re looking to nip and tuck a few areas, or you want to achieve that signature chiseled midsection, Dr. Gray can help.
Here are just a few things that set a tummy tuck surgery for men apart:
- Tighten loose skin: If you have noticeable loose, wrinkled skin on your stomach as a result of weight loss, aging, or another significant life event, a tummy tuck could be a solution for you. In addition to removing excess skin, a tummy tuck can also pull loose skin taut again for a firmer, tighter tone.
- Remove extra skin: Loose hanging skin after weight loss is one of the most frustrating concerns for men and often keeps them from enjoying their hard work. Loose skin can become a problem for many men causing clothes to not fit properly and even create uncomfortable skin conditions. The majority of tummy tuck cases include excess skin removal to give men the smoother, more natural-looking physique they’re hoping for.
- Get rid of stubborn fat: Most patients who struggle with loose abdominal skin will also have some excess fat deposits present. For this reason, liposuction is often combined with abdominoplasty to remove stubborn pockets of fat, specifically around the love handles and flanks.
- Achieve a six-pack: By removing excess skin and stubborn fat pockets, a tummy tuck can help accentuate the hard work you’ve put in at the gym and help you show off that coveted six pack.
Shred Your Six Pack with A Tummy Tuck for Men in San Francisco, CA
Join the many men worldwide who have undergone male abdominoplasty surgery to look firmer, chiseled, and even more masculine. Contact Dr. Gray at Bay Area Plastic Surgery to schedule your personalized consultation with an acclaimed plastic surgeon today, and learn more about the amazing benefits a male tummy tuck surgery can provide!