Posted in Gynecomastia
How Does Gynecomastia Affect Boys and Men At Different Ages?

Women see them as a characteristic of their femininity, but men dread getting them. If you’re a male and you’re starting to notice that you’re developing breast tissue, you may suffer from a condition called gynecomastia. It’s essential to understand first that there is nothing wrong with breast tissue forming in men; many reasons contribute to this tissue’s growth, and it’s actually common amongst men to develop some degree of breast enlargement. Gynecomastia is treated in different ways depending on how old you are.
Gynecomastia In Teens
The National Institute of Health released a statistic stating that approximately 50-60% of adolescent men suffer from gynecomastia, which may come as a surprisingly high number to many people. In young men, gynecomastia is primarily caused by high estrogen levels during puberty. Most young men’s chests flatten out in their 20s as testosterone levels increase. But if this doesn’t happen, a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Gray may recommend gynecomastia surgery to help remove this excess tissue.
Gynecomastia can affect a teenage boy in numerous destructive ways. With higher rates of bullying, body dysmorphia, depression, embarrassment, and discomfort, gynecomastia can make living a fun, exciting life challenging.
Gynecomastia in Adults
If you thought the statistics for young men with gynecomastia were high, then you might be even more surprised to find out that over 65% of men between the ages of 27-92 have some form of gynecomastia during this time. There are several reasons aside from hormonal imbalance that contribute to gynecomastia. These include steroid use, thyroid issues, pituitary gland cancer, alcohol abuse, or even marijuana use. Dr. Gray will first consider these reasons before suggesting surgery to help correct gynecomastia.
For adult men, gynecomastia can still have a negative effect on their everyday lives, from not being able to wear the clothes they want in fear the breast tissue will show to not being able to go shirtless at a pool or the beach because of embarrassment.
What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Before Dr. Gray recommends male breast surgery, he will first perform a variety of tests and possible prescription medication to see if they can produce any improvements in the condition. If the breast enlargement persists, surgery will likely become an option. Dr. Gray can treat mild cases of gynecomastia with liposuction. Small incisions are made surrounding the areola, where suction tubes called cannulas are inserted to extract the fat and breast tissue. When the enlargement is severe, a longer incision is done to excise breast tissues and loose skin. Skin tightening may be necessary, and the nipples repositioned in order to create harmony with the proportions of the new chest shape.
Do You Suffer from Gynecomastia? Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Gray To Learn If Male Breast Surgery Is Right For You!
Treating your gynecomastia can help men of all ages reveal their best selves and feel more confident in their appearance. However, to achieve the best possible results, it’s crucial to find a board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of expertise in male breast reduction to perform your procedure. Dr. Gray is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience conducting surgical procedures of the breasts, body, and face. He invites you to meet with him for a friendly and informative consultation. Schedule your consultation by simply calling (628) 265-0220 or contact us through our website. We look forward to hearing from you soon!