Posted in Cosmetic Surgery
When Can I Wear Makeup After My Surgery?
Facial plastic surgery will typically involve incisions, which can lead to scars, bruising, redness, and other skin discolorations for a short time while your skin continues to heal. After your procedure, you may be tempted to cover up these impurities with cosmetics, but it is best to wait. Putting on makeup too soon after surgery can cause infection, worsen scars, or slow the healing process. The pressure on the skin while applying makeup can also cause an incision to reopen.
After your procedure, your doctor will discuss with you how long to wait before using makeup or other unauthorized facial products. These general guidelines will help you plan for the weeks following your cosmetic procedure.
Makeup After A Facelift
It’s a general rule to wait at least ten days before applying makeup after a facelift. Avoid using heavy makeup to cover surface irregularities left by surgical scars, as these can leave shadows, making the scars more noticeable. Instead, use a sheer foundation and play up other features, like your eyes, lips, or cheekbones, to take away from any detectable scarring.
Makeup After Rhinoplasty
You should avoid applying pressure to your nose for at least three weeks after a rhinoplasty. You may apply makeup to other parts of your face but not to your nose. Many patients choose to apply concealer to cover any bruising around their eyes caused by surgery. When it comes to applying makeup to your actual nose after rhinoplasty, all bandages should be fully removed, including medical tape, and your incisions should be fully closed. Open incisions are susceptible to all kinds of bacteria that can lead to infection. No matter how often you clean your makeup brushes or sponges, they are a host for all types of bacteria. Makeup doesn’t allow the skin or incision to breathe properly, affecting an incision’s overall healing time.
Eyelid Surgery
Another general rule is to avoid wearing eye makeup for at least two weeks after eyelid surgery. You can apply makeup to the surrounding areas of the face, but take caution and avoid your incision sites. After two weeks, as long as your incisions are fully closed, it should be perfectly safe for you to apply makeup. It’s also important to note that the removal process of your makeup should be done carefully. You don’t want to pull or stretch the skin too much, especially during the healing process, as this can cause discomfort and affect your results. Use gentle soap and warm water to remove your makeup and gently pat your skin dry.
Schedule Your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Consultation With Dr. Leonard Gray Today
Wearing makeup has the power to transform and beautify the face, but there is only so much you can contour. Elevate your cosmetic game or regain confidence in your appearance with a cosmetic treatment that will help make you excited about wearing makeup again. If you’re interested in learning more about the facial plastic surgery procedures offered at Bay Area Plastic Surgery, don’t hesitate to contact our office by calling (628) 265-0219 or contact us through our website today!